Politely, Tyrion turned his back. "I did not mean to frighten you. I promise you, nothing will happen to Myrcella."
"Liar," she said behind him. "I'm not a child, to be soothed with empty promises. You told me you would free Jaime too. Well, where is he?"
"In Riverrun, I should imagine. Safe and under guard, until I find a way to free him."
Cersei sniffed. "I should have been born a man. I would have no need of any of you then. None of this would have been allowed to happen. How could Jaime let himself be captured by that boy? And Father, I trusted in him, fool that I am, but where is he now that he's wanted? What is he doing?"
"Making war."

"From behind the walls of Harrenhal?" she said scornfully. "A curious way of fighting. It looks suspiciously like hiding."
"Look again."
"What else would you call it? Father sits in one castle, and Robb Stark sits in another, and no one does anything."
"There is sitting and there is sitting," Tyrion suggested. "Each one waits for the other to move, but the lion is still, poised, his tail twitching, while the fawn is frozen by fear, bowels turned to jelly. No matter which way he bounds, the lion will have him, and he knows it."
"And you're quite certain that Father is the lion?"
Tyrion grinned. "It's on all our banners."