It was Hermione's scream that alerted him. Pettigrew had dived for Lupin's dropped wand. Ron, unsteady on his bandaged leg, fell,
There was a bang, a burst of light and Ron lay motionless on the ground. Another bang,
Crookshanks flew into the air and back to the earth in a heap.
'Expelliarmus!' Harry yelled, pointing his own wand at Pettigrew,
Lupin's wand flew high into the air and out of sight. 'Stay where you are!' Harry shouted, running forwards.
Too late, Pettigrew had transformed. Harry saw his bald tail whip through the manacle on Ron's outstretched arm, and heard a scurrying through the grass.
There was a howl and a rumbling growl, Harry turned to see the werewolf taking flight, it was galloping into the Forest.

'Sirius, he's gone, Pettigrew transformed!' Harry yelled. Sirius was bleeding, there were gashes across his muzzle and back,
but at Harry's words he scrambled up again, and in an instant, the sound of his paws was fading to silence as he pounded away across the grounds.
Harry and Hermione dashed over to Ron. 'What did he do to him?' Hermione whispered.
Ron's eyes were only half-closed, his mouth hung open.
He was definitely alive, they could hear him breathing, but he didn't seem to recognise them.
'I don't know.' Harry looked desperately around. Black and Lupin both gone…
they had no one but Snape for company, still hanging, unconscious, in mid-air.