"Smiler." He gave her a hand, and pulled her up in front of him, where he could put his arms around her as they rode.
"I knew a man once who told me that I smiled at the wrong things." "Do you?"
“记得从前有个家伙对我说,我总是对着错误的东西微笑。” “是么?”
"Only by the lights of those who smile at nothing." He thought of his father and his uncle Aeron.
"Are you smiling now, my lord prince?"
"Oh, yes." Theon reached around her to take the reins. She was almost of a height with him.
Her hair could have used a wash and she had a faded pink scar on her pretty neck,
but he liked the smell of her, salt and sweat and woman.
The ride back to Pyke promised to be a good deal more interesting than the ride down had been.

When they were well beyond Lordsport, Theon put a hand on her breast.
Esgred reached up and plucked it away.
"I'd keep both hands on the reins, or this black beast of yours is like to fling us both off and kick us to death."
"I broke him of that." Amused, Theon behaved himself for a while,
chatting amiably of the weather (grey and overcast, as it had been since he arrived, with frequent rains)
and telling her of the men he'd killed in the Whispering Wood.
When he reached the part about coming that close to the Kingslayer himself, he slid his hand back up to where it had been.