After more than a decade of work, scientists in Peru have finally unveiled the ancient remains of what could be the world's heaviest animal.
Researchers estimate the Perucetus, which means "colossal Peruvian whale", grew to about 20 meters long and weighed up to 340 tons.
"It is an exceptional discovery. It is heavier than a blue whale, the largest animal that has existed and that currently exists on our planet.
This animal lived 39 million years ago in the Peruvian Sea."
The biggest known blue whale weighed around 190 tons, though it was longer at 33.5 meters.

An international team has so far unearthed 13 vertebrae, four ribs and one hip bone from a coastal desert in southern Peru, a region rich in marine fossils.
Scientists believe the prehistoric creature had extremely dense and compact bones, a characteristic lacking in modern whales and dolphins.
"We think it may have had a relatively tiny head,
but then an elongate massive body that could best be described as something like a gigantic sausage, bobbing around in the shallow waters off the coast of Peru."
Researchers hope to find the skull which will give them more information about how Perucetus lived.