Most U.S. residents don't need to worry about the safety of their tap water, but millions of Americans are still exposed to contaminants every year.
It can take a water crisis to highlight where drinking water infrastructure is failing.
One of the most devastating water crises in recent memory was the lead contamination in Flint, Michigan's drinking water in 2014.
As of January 2023, nine years after the initial contamination, residents are still dealing with the effects.
And in 2022 year, a water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi left many of the city's 150,000 residents without potable water.
Here, drinking water experts from the EPA, academia, and advocacy groups weigh in on what you need to know about your tap.
In the U.S., about 90 percent of people get their tap water from a public water system (PWS).
Water from a lake, reservoir, river or aquifer is piped into a water treatment facility where chemicals are added to the water that bind to pollutants and are sifted out of the system.
Some facilities also use bacteria-killing UV light.
Chemical disinfectants such as chlorine or chloramine are then added to the water to help kill any pathogens remaining in the water and any that might be lurking in your pipes when the water travels to your home.
Byproducts result when water, itself a chemical, mixes with chemical disinfectants. But these aren't always easy to discern.
A new study recently isolated and defined chloronitroamide, a byproduct of of chloramine that has been present in tap water for years but difficult to identify from other byproducts.
It's not known to be toxic, but the study illustrates how complicated monitoring tap water for millions of Americans can be.
Some water treatment facilities, from lack of funding or too little oversight, don't effectively clean their water.
In 2015, about 21 million people living in the U.S. were exposed to tap water that violated federal guidelines, according to a study published in 2018.
Unsafe and therefore illegal levels of pathogens (bacteria and viruses), nitrates, arsenic, and harmful byproducts were the most common sources of violations, says Maura Allaire, study author and a water quality expert at the University of California, Irvine.