"Not if it wouldn't interest you, though, I must say, I find it hard to believe that anyone could fail to be interested."
He paused, but Mr Crowther made no reply; on the contrary, he showed every sign of resuming his reading.
To prevent this, Mr Harraby-Ribston leaned back in his seat and launched out.
"The truth of the matter is that I have just, an hour and a half ago, abandoned home and wife and I am starting life afresh,
and the reason why I threw my suitcase out of the window just now was that I had suddenly realized that in it I was taking some of the old life with me.
Clothes, hairbrushes and so on all have their associations, and associations are precisely what I want to be rid of.
Hence my rather unusual action.
I'm no chicken, I admit; I'm a man of nearly fifty, I've been married for twenty-one years, and yet here I am, starting life afresh.
Well, that may seem to you a very extraordinary thing to do."