(A silence. SHARON gets up and runs into the house. She passes TRUDY who is coming out. TRUDY looks at the men and appears to sum up the scene.)
(To DOUGLAS, softly) I hope I don't have to remind you again that you are a guest in this house. And the way I choose to treat my staff is entirely my concern. OK?
(DOUGLAS is silent.)
Trudy: They were nearly ready.
Vic: I've been waiting here. Patiently.
Trudy: (Brightly to DOUGLAS) I wondered if you wanted to take up my offer and stroll down to the beach, Douglas? While they're doing their interview?
Douglas: Oh, lovely, yes. Thank you very much.
Vic: (Sourly) Yes, you take him down to the beach, good idea.
Trudy: (Faintly sarcastic) Oh, dear. You haven't been disagreeing with my husband, have you? I hope not.