Trudy: Did he work in the bank as well?
Douglas: No, no. He was a salesman. There's an amusing story to that, I'll come back to that. Anyway, I sat there and—longed for her—day after day, month after month—fantasized about her a little—nothing unpleasant, you know...
Trudy: No, no...
Douglas: And some mornings she'd have a chat with me between customers. And then the sun would shine all day, you know...
(He smiles.)
Trudy: (Smiling) Yes...
Douglas: And other mornings, she'd come in like thunder—something obviously had gone wrong the night before with her and that man... And then, of course, you never got a smile...
道格拉斯:但有些上午,她会满面怒容地进来——显然是头天晚上她与那人闹矛盾了…… 那么,当然你根本就看不到她的笑容了……