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I Would Be a Fallen Leaf
Lin Huiyin

I would be a fallen leaf,
Drifting about in the rainy wind;
Or be a floating cloud, in the sky blue,
So to avoid any link with the ground.

Holding tight to the heart shattered,
To gather the hopeless affections in bygones
In the dusk or at midnight, tiptoeing back,
To this world of all void absurd and cold.

To forget the existence of such a world, and of you,
With the lament if we two ever loved.
To forget he tears falling in showers like flowers,
And all my feelings in there hiding.

That day no trace of mine would be left,
Not even a fleeting ray or a passing breath of wind.
And you too should forget there have been me, and
There has been such a world, in which I once lived.




