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来源:可可英语 编辑:max   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Song of the Good Sort

Meetings are held all day long in the south,
Smoke of war kicks up all at once in the north.
The southerners yell while the northerners flee,
There's no end to their petitions and cables.
And the bigwigs abuse at once another in turn,
Each of them claims to be sweet as honey.
Officers doubt the loyalty of General Yueh Fei ,
While officials condemn the cunning minister Chin Kuei.
Amid their abuses our fair land is lost!
Amid their abuses the people are asked to pay the taxes!
After losing our land and paying off their taxes,
The yellings and abuses have come to an end.
Then officials're suffering from tooth-aches,
And officers're heading for the hot springs.
After all none of them is Yueh Fei or Chin Kuei,
Then all sorts of misunderstandings are melted.
Since each and everyone is a good sort now,
They are getting together and smoke their cigars!




