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An Old Prostitute
Tang Qi

The night, is sneering viciously;
The jumping of bloated cities
Is whiter than the white day, clamouring…

The night blinds you; too many joyful windows
And houses; you enter into the center of downtown,
And enter into greater loneliness.

Hark, the lust overrides blatantly on the
Body: you — waster of carnal body, the villainous
Night, you are smiling like a poppy flower.

To smile for no reason, to cry for no reason;
Life lies prostrate before subsistence; cruel
Business, is divided into two hungry and thirsty worlds.

In the end, you are thrown out of the market; alas, the
Declining tower top, symbol of an old woman
A deep-sunken window: your eyes of despair.

Your caved-in nostril is decomposed into a cave,
But more incontinent words by other people are revealed.
Ill-fated name, O, you are more sublime than them.




