《菜根谭》是明朝还初道人洪应明收集编著的儒家经典,是一部论述修养、人生、处世、出世的语录集。 其文字简炼明隽,兼采雅俗,言辞中流露出山林意趣,渗透着万物一体的世界观。开出的处世之方偏重心态和人事,悟虚妄真实之理,指出贫富、尊卑、穷达因为心念使善恶、祸福相互转换,告诫世人及时转念,戒贪少欲,取中庸之道。著作前后内容和深度有所不同,反映出了不同的阅历和境界。
When you face trying circumstances, everything that you encounter has the effect of bitter medicinal herbs and the stone needles used in acupuncture. These needles and medicines serve to refine your character and conduct, although you do not realize it. When you are experiencing smooth sailing, it is as if the path ahead were strewn with weapons, which harm you bit by bit until you are finally destroyed. At such times a man can be compared to lamp oil, which is gradually consumed until there is none left, although he is unaware of it.
(保罗·怀特 译)
When put into adversity, one would feel as if his whole body were placed in medicines and stone needles for acupuncture; under such circumstances, he will subconsciously focus attention on the refinement of his virtue and rectification of this conduct. When one rides on the crest of success, it would be as if the path ahead were covered with swords and dagger-axes; at such moment, his energy and willpower will be gradually worn down without being noticed.
(周文标 译)
In adversity, one is surrounded, as it were, by salutary though unpalatable remedies, which help improve one's moral integrity and character without one's knowing it; in prosperity, one is confronted, so to speak, with dangerous weapons, which harm and destroy one's flesh and bone without one's realizing it.
(蒋坚松 译)
In adverse situations, even though around you are needles and medicines that will help you through the trials, you are unaware of them. In favorable circumstances, all around you are swords and halberds which will whittle away your flesh and bones, you do not know about them.
(Robert Aitken & Daniel W. Y. Kwok 译)