Kiev up in arms over latest Russia convoy
Once again, a line of big trucks crossing from Russia into Ukraine...with questions about what they contain. Kiev believes they are a cover to provide weapons and ammunition to separatists based in eastern Ukraine, who are mostly loyal to Moscow...which Russia denies.
一列由大卡车组成的车队再次从俄罗斯穿越边境进入乌克兰境内,卡车内是何物品不得而知 。基辅相信这是向乌克兰东部分裂分子提供武器和弹药的伪装,这些分裂分子忠于莫斯科 。而俄罗斯否认了这种说法 。
DEPUTY HEAD OF NATIONAL CRISIS CENTRE OF THE RUSSIAN EMERGENCIES MINISTRY, OLEG VORONOV, SAYING: "Russian emergencies ministry formed another convoy to deliver humanitarian aid to Donbass areas damaged (by fighting). Mainly, it is construction materials, food supplies and life support staff."
俄罗斯紧急救援部国家危机中心副主任OLEG VORONOV:“俄罗斯紧急救援部组建了另外一支车队,向顿巴斯被战争破坏的地区运送人道主义救援物资 。主要是建筑材料,食品和生命支持人员 。”
This latest convoy -- the 8th since mid August and numbering over 100 trucks -- arrived in Donetsk Sunday afternoon as fighting intensified nearby. It places further strain on a truce reached in September between the two sides...raising fears it could collapse entirely.
最新的车队于周日下午抵达顿涅茨克,附近的冲突逐渐加剧,这已是8月中旬以来第8列车队,总共超过100辆卡车 。这使得双方于9月份达成的休战再次面临紧张形势,导致人们担忧停火协议会全面崩溃 。
Moldova socialists lead vote counting
Voting in parliamentary elections in ex-Soviet Moldova is now over and early results have the country's pro-Moscow party in the lead. Officials say the Socialist Party - which wants to end the country's integration policies with Europe- is the frontrunner, the communist party is in a close second and three pro-European parties are trailing behind. Socialist Party leader Igor Dodon.
前苏联成员国之一的摩尔多瓦议会选举投票现已结束,初步结果显示亲莫斯科政党领先Igor Dodon)发表了讲话 。 。官员们表示,社会党领先——该党派希望终止国家与欧洲的一体化政策,社会主义党紧随其后,然后是三个支持欧洲的党派 。社会党领袖伊戈尔·多东(
(SOUNDBITE) (Romanian) IGOR DODON, LEADER OF THE SOCIALIST PARTY SAYING: "You have voted for the Socialists Party. But in fact, you have also voted for the other way, for the alternative. You have voted for the prosperous Moldova together with the strong Russia. You have voted for the Moldova in the Customs Union (with Russia). I want to promise you that we remember all obligations we have towards our voters, and we will not disappoint you."
社会党领袖伊戈尔·多东(Igor Dodon):“你们投票支持了社会党 。实际上,你也投票支持了另一条道路 。你们为摩尔多瓦与强大的俄罗斯共同繁荣投票 。你们为摩尔多瓦与俄罗斯组建关税联盟投票 。我向大家承诺,我们记得对投票者承担的所有义务,我们不会让大家失望 。”
The current government has been pursuing a Europe friendly path for the past five years. But Sunday's results reveal the deep-seated reluctance among citizens to cut themselves off from Russia, and a fear of the consequences if they do. Moldova is one of Europe's smallest and poorest countries.
过去五年,现任政府一直寻求与欧洲友好共存的路线 。但是周日的结果显示公民们非常不情愿与俄罗斯疏远,并为这样做的后果感到担忧 。摩尔多瓦是欧洲最小,也是最贫困的国家之一 。
Separatists in southern Yemen rally for independence
A rally Sunday by separatists at the southern tip of Yemen. Thousands of protesters at the southern port city of Aden wave the flag of South Yemen, which unified with the North in 1990. They're calling for independence for South Yemen.
周日,也门南部分裂分子举行集会 。南部港口城市亚丁数千名抗议者挥舞着南也门的旗帜 。也门南部于1990年和北部统一 。他们呼吁南也门独立 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) PROTESTER AND ADEN RESIDENT, ARSLAN AL-SULIMANI, SAYING: "We came out today to prove to the whole world and to our people that this peaceful move is part of a campaign towards freedom and independence."
抗议者,亚丁居民ARSLAN AL-SULIMANI:“我们今天外出是为了向全世界和我们的民众证明,这种和平的举动是通往自由和独立的一部分 。”
A 1994 civil war failed to reverse the unification...and now the 2011 Arab Spring protests have revitalized the movement.
1994年的内战未能使全国的统一步伐逆转 。而2011年的“阿拉伯之春”抗议活动使该运动复苏 。
(SOUNDBITE) (Arabic) PROTESTER FROM ADEN, ABDULLAH AL-DIANI, SAYING: "These steps will start from the bottom up. Next is to take civil disobedience on all southern land, after that to take control on all institutions peacefully."
亚丁抗议者ABDULLAH AL-DIANI:“这些步骤将从头开始 。接下来就是在南部所有土地上实行公民不服从,随后就是和平控制所有机构 。”
Yemen's central government is run mostly by Houthis native to the country's northern highlands. They have taken control of government ministries and struck a power-sharing deal with various political forces.
也门中央政府大部分由北部高地的忽堤部落掌控 。他们控制着政府部门,与各政治力量达成权利分享协议 。