A boy of about sixteen entered, taking off his pointed hat. A silver prefect's badge was glinting on his chest. He was much taller than Harry, but he, too, had jet-black hair.
Ah, Riddle, said the headmaster.
You wanted to see me, Professor Dippet? said Riddle. He looked nervous.
Sit down, said Dippet. "I've just been reading the letter you sent me."
Oh, said Riddle. He sat down, gripping his hands together very tightly.
My dear boy, said Dippet kindly, "I cannot possibly let you stay at school over the summer. Surely you want to go home for the holidays?"
No, said Riddle at once. "I'd much rather stay at Hogwarts than go back to that — to that —"

You live in a Muggle orphanage during the holidays, I believe? said Dippet curiously.
Yes, sir, said Riddle, reddening slightly.
You are Muggle-born?
Half-blood, sir, said Riddle. "Muggle father, witch mother."
And are both your parents — ?
My mother died just after I was born, sir. They told me at the orphanage she lived just long enough to name me — Tom after my father, Marvolo after my grandfather.
Dippet clucked his tongue sympathetically. The thing is, Tom, he sighed, "special arrangements might have been made for you, but in the current circumstances..."