'Harry Potter freed Dobby!' said the elf shrilly, gazing up at Harry, moonlight from the nearest window reflected in his orb-like eyes.
'Harry Potter set Dobby free!'
'Least I could do, Dobby,' said Harry, grinning.
'Just promise never to try and save my life again.'
The elf's ugly brown face split suddenly into a wide, toothy smile.
'I've just got one question, Dobby,' said Harry, as Dobby pulled on Harry's sock with shaking hands.
'You told me all this had nothing to do with, He Who Must Not Be Named, remember? Well'
'It was a clue, sir,' said Dobby, his eyes widening, as though this was obvious.

'Dobby was giving you a clue.
The Dark Lord, before he changed his name, could be freely named, you see?'
'Right,' said Harry weakly. 'Well, I'd better go.
There's a feast, and my friend Hermione should be awake by now...'
Dobby threw his arms around Harry's middle and hugged him.
'Harry Potter is greater by far than Dobby knew!' he sobbed. 'Farewell, Harry Potter!'
And with a final loud crack, Dobby disappeared.