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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

It was not in the nature of things that a man of Mr Dombey's mood, opposed to such a spirit as he had raised against himself, should be softened in the imperious asperity of his temper; or that the cold hard armour of pride in which he lived encased, should be made more flexible by constant collision with haughty scorn and defiance. It is the curse of such a nature - it is a main part of the heavy retribution on itself it bears within itself - that while deference and concession swell its evil qualities, and are the food it grows upon, resistance and a questioning of its exacting claims, foster it too, no less. The evil that is in it finds equally its means of growth and propagation in opposites. It draws support and life from sweets and bitters; bowed down before, or unacknowledged, it still enslaves the breast in which it has its throne; and, worshipped or rejected, is as hard a master as the Devil in dark fables.

Towards his first wife, Mr Dombey, in his cold and lofty arrogance, had borne himself like the removed Being he almost conceived himself to be. He had been 'Mr Dombey' with her when she first saw him, and he was 'Mr Dombey' when she died. He had asserted his greatness during their whole married life, and she had meekly recognised it. He had kept his distant seat of state on the top of his throne, and she her humble station on its lowest step; and much good it had done him, so to live in solitary bondage to his one idea. He had imagined that the proud character of his second wife would have been added to his own - would have merged into it, and exalted his greatness. He had pictured himself haughtier than ever, with Edith's haughtiness subservient to his. He had never entertained the possibility of its arraying itself against him. And now, when he found it rising in his path at every step and turn of his daily life, fixing its cold, defiant, and contemptuous face upon him, this pride of his, instead of withering, or hanging down its head beneath the shock, put forth new shoots, became more concentrated and intense, more gloomy, sullen, irksome, and unyielding, than it had ever been before.董贝先生在与他第一位妻子之间的关系中,冷酷无情,傲慢自大,一举一动就像是一位高高在上的人物,他几乎也就是这样看待他自己的。对她来说,当她第一次看到他的时候,他是”董贝先生”,当她死去的时候,他仍然是”董贝先生”。在他们整个婚后生活中,他维护着他的崇高的身份,她则恭恭顺顺地承认它。他在他的宝座的顶端保持着他的高不可攀的地位,她则在她的最低下的等级中保持着她的卑贱渺小的地位;他的生活只受自己思想的约束,对他来说,这是何等幸福啊!他曾经想象,他第二位妻子的高傲的性格将和他自己的高傲的性格相加到一块,融合在一起,从而将更增强他崇高的气概。他曾经想象,一旦伊迪丝的高傲充当了他自己的高傲的工具的话,那么他将会比以往任何时候都更目空一切。他根本没有想到她的高傲可能反对他。而现在,他看到他在日常生活中,每迈一步,每转一个弯,它都出现在他的道路上,把它那冷酷的、对抗的、轻蔑的脸孔牢牢对着他,这时候,他的高傲非但没有在冲击下萎缩下去或垂头丧气,反而还长出了新枝,变得比过去任何时候都更集中、更强烈、更阴沉、更不高兴、更令人讨厌和更顽强不屈。
Who wears such armour, too, bears with him ever another heavy retribution. It is of proof against conciliation, love, and confidence; against all gentle sympathy from without, all trust, all tenderness, all soft emotion; but to deep stabs in the self-love, it is as vulnerable as the bare breast to steel; and such tormenting festers rankle there, as follow on no other wounds, no, though dealt with the mailed hand of Pride itself, on weaker pride, disarmed and thrown down.谁戴上这种盔甲还会给他自己招来另外一种沉重的报应。这种盔甲是安抚、爱情和信任所不能刺穿的!是外界一切温柔的同情所不能刺穿的,是一切信赖、一切亲热、一切温情所不能刺穿的;可是当自负受到了深深的刺戳时,它却像袒露的胸膛遇到钢铁一样容易受伤;这种令人痛苦的脓疮就在那里发炎,它是在其他创伤中不能找到的,它是在跟那种较弱的、解除武装的、被摧毁的高傲(虽然高傲本身有着披戴铠甲的手)打交道时所不能有的。
Such wounds were his. He felt them sharply, in the solitude of his old rooms; whither he now began often to retire again, and pass long solitary hours. It seemed his fate to be ever proud and powerful; ever humbled and powerless where he would be most strong. Who seemed fated to work out that doom?他的创伤就是这样的创伤。他在他老房间的一片寂寞中敏锐地感觉到它;他现在又开始隐居到这些房间中,度过漫长的寂寞的时光。似乎命运注定他永远是高傲和有权有势的;同时在他本应当是最强有力的时候,命运却又似乎注定他永远受到屈辱和无能为力。是谁似乎注定要来为他安排出这样的命运的呢?
Who? Who was it who could win his wife as she had won his boy? Who was it who had shown him that new victory, as he sat in the dark corner? Who was it whose least word did what his utmost means could not? Who was it who, unaided by his love, regard or notice, thrived and grew beautiful when those so aided died? Who could it be, but the same child at whom he had often glanced uneasily in her motherless infancy, with a kind of dread, lest he might come to hate her; and of whom his foreboding was fulfilled, for he DID hate her in his heart?是谁?是谁能够赢得他妻子的喜爱,就像她赢得他男孩的喜爱一样?当他坐在那个角落里的时候,是谁曾经向他显示过这个新的胜利?是谁一言半语就达到了他竭尽全力所不能达到的目的?是谁没有得到他的喜爱、关怀或重视,却茁壮地成长起来,出落得漂漂亮亮,而那些得到他帮助的人却已死去了呢?是谁呢,还不就是那个女孩子,在她没有母亲的幼年时代,他曾时常不安地对她看一看,同时心中怀着一种恐惧,唯恐他以后会恨她,而他的这一预感现在已经应验了,因为他?果?真是恨她了。

It was not in the nature of things that a man of Mr Dombey's mood, opposed to such a spirit as he had raised against himself, should be softened in the imperious asperity of his temper; or that the cold hard armour of pride in which he lived encased, should be made more flexible by constant collision with haughty scorn and defiance. It is the curse of such a nature - it is a main part of the heavy retribution on itself it bears within itself - that while deference and concession swell its evil qualities, and are the food it grows upon, resistance and a questioning of its exacting claims, foster it too, no less. The evil that is in it finds equally its means of growth and propagation in opposites. It draws support and life from sweets and bitters; bowed down before, or unacknowledged, it still enslaves the breast in which it has its throne; and, worshipped or rejected, is as hard a master as the Devil in dark fables.
Towards his first wife, Mr Dombey, in his cold and lofty arrogance, had borne himself like the removed Being he almost conceived himself to be. He had been 'Mr Dombey' with her when she first saw him, and he was 'Mr Dombey' when she died. He had asserted his greatness during their whole married life, and she had meekly recognised it. He had kept his distant seat of state on the top of his throne, and she her humble station on its lowest step; and much good it had done him, so to live in solitary bondage to his one idea. He had imagined that the proud character of his second wife would have been added to his own - would have merged into it, and exalted his greatness. He had pictured himself haughtier than ever, with Edith's haughtiness subservient to his. He had never entertained the possibility of its arraying itself against him. And now, when he found it rising in his path at every step and turn of his daily life, fixing its cold, defiant, and contemptuous face upon him, this pride of his, instead of withering, or hanging down its head beneath the shock, put forth new shoots, became more concentrated and intense, more gloomy, sullen, irksome, and unyielding, than it had ever been before.
Who wears such armour, too, bears with him ever another heavy retribution. It is of proof against conciliation, love, and confidence; against all gentle sympathy from without, all trust, all tenderness, all soft emotion; but to deep stabs in the self-love, it is as vulnerable as the bare breast to steel; and such tormenting festers rankle there, as follow on no other wounds, no, though dealt with the mailed hand of Pride itself, on weaker pride, disarmed and thrown down.
Such wounds were his. He felt them sharply, in the solitude of his old rooms; whither he now began often to retire again, and pass long solitary hours. It seemed his fate to be ever proud and powerful; ever humbled and powerless where he would be most strong. Who seemed fated to work out that doom?
Who? Who was it who could win his wife as she had won his boy? Who was it who had shown him that new victory, as he sat in the dark corner? Who was it whose least word did what his utmost means could not? Who was it who, unaided by his love, regard or notice, thrived and grew beautiful when those so aided died? Who could it be, but the same child at whom he had often glanced uneasily in her motherless infancy, with a kind of dread, lest he might come to hate her; and of whom his foreboding was fulfilled, for he DID hate her in his heart?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
vulnerable ['vʌlnərəbl]


adj. 易受伤害的,有弱点的

concession [kən'seʃən]


n. 让步,妥协,特许权,租界

questioning ['kwestʃəniŋ]


n. 质问 v. 询问,审问(question的现在分词

humble ['hʌmbl]


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的
vt. 使

exacting [ig'zæktiŋ]


adj. 苛求的,吃力的 动词exact的现在分词形式

throne [θrəun]


n. 王座,君主

subservient [səb'sə:viənt]


adj. 卑屈的,奉承的,次要的,从属的

pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心

propagation [.prɔpə'geiʃən]


n. 增殖,繁殖,广传

opposed [ə'pəuzd]


adj. 反对的,敌对的 v. 和 ... 起冲突,反抗





