Create a record of all valuables such as jewelry, art and collectibles, says Nicole Feuer, a divorce mediator in Westport, Conn. 'Take photos, as sometimes these items can 'disappear' in a divorce,' she says.
康涅狄格州Westport的离婚调解员Nicole Feuer说,要有一份珠宝、艺术品和收藏品等所有贵重物品的记录。拍下照片,因为有的时候在办理离婚的过程中这些物品可能会“不翼而飞”。
弗吉尼亚州Fairfax的理财规划师James Gambaccini说,所有的个人账户都应该申请电子账单,否则你的配偶拆开信封就可以看到这些信息。此外还要修改个人账户密码,以防你的配偶忍不住去登陆你的账户。
Don't hide money, though, says Lili Vasileff, a collaborative-divorce practitioner in Greenwich, Conn. 'It gives rise to dishonesty and fraud and it will be discovered in divorce,' she says.
不过协议离婚执业律师Lili Vasileff说,不要藏钱,因为这可能会导致不诚实和欺诈,在离婚的过程中会被发现。
If you have reasonable grounds for concern, seek legal advice for how to preserve your financial assets before filing for divorce, she says.