诺曼·福斯特(Norman Foster)
“Tempelhof is one of the really great buildings of the modern age, and yet it is inevitable that it is not necessarily celebrated by everyone. Its architect, Ernst Sagebiel, studied under the Jewish master Erich Mendelsohn but later served the Nazis. It was adjacent to a concentration camp that held journalists, politicians, Jews and other so-called ‘undesirables,’ so it is redolent with all the most negative associations. Like a pendulum, it served the purposes of the fascist regime and then became a lifeline with the airlifts of 1948 and 1949 that delivered food to the people of West Berlin. The airport is full of contradictions and paradoxes. It has an austere facade, which is not so fascist, and could almost appear in Sweden. The back is a sweeping, cantilevered curve. It soars. If you were transported there and were to walk under that cantilever, you would be awestruck. The architecture is heroic, not in a pompous, empty, vacuous sense, but as engineering that really lifts the spirit. Monuments, if you trace their ancestry, can reveal disturbing things about the past. Nonetheless, they have enduring qualities which, viewed on their own merits, are perhaps an example to us.”
“滕佩尔霍夫是真正堪称伟大的现代建筑之一,然而它注定不会得到所有人的赞美。它的建筑师恩斯特·扎格比尔(Ernst Sagebiel)曾师从犹太建筑大师埃瑞许·孟德尔松(Erich Mendelsohn),但后来为纳粹服务。它跟一个集中营紧挨着,里面关着记者、政治家、犹太人,以及其他“不可取的人”,所以一切负面的联想它全有了。它就像一个钟摆,先是作为法西斯政权的工具,后来在1948、49年又成了一条为西柏林人空运食物的生命线。这座机场充满了矛盾和吊诡。它的正面十分简朴,不太符合法西斯的风格,搬到瑞典去都没问题。背面是一个大弧度的悬挑结构。宛然兀立。如果你乘车来到那里,走在挑檐下,会感到敬畏。这是一座有英雄气概的建筑,不是自命不凡、空洞、虚妄的那种,而是一种真正能提振精神的工程。去追溯它们的起源背景就会发现,纪念建筑能揭示过去的一些令人不安的东西。然而,它们拥有恒久的品质,从其自身的品质来看,也许可以给我们树立一个典范。”