[双语散文] 双语散文:Run Through the&n
世间万物皆有自己的季节,做任何事情也有一个恰当的时机。如果有机会,你也可以在雨中狂奔一回…… She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal-Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown ha -
[双语散文] 双语散文:Three passions 三种
《三种激情》是选自《伯特兰·罗素自传》的一篇优秀散文。它既是作者心灵的抒发,也是生命体验的总结。作者以深刻的感悟和敏锐的目光,分析了人生中的三种激情,即对爱的渴望,对知识的追求和对人类苦难的同情。对爱2008-03-05 编辑:echo 标签: 魔幻小说
[双语散文] 双语散文:Let Us Smile 
The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, That costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile. The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fellow men -
[双语散文] 双语散文:Steps To Happines
Everybody Knows: You can’t be all things to all people. You can’t do all things at once. You can’t do all things equally well. You can’t do all things better than everyone else. -
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:人与赛特
A Man and a Satyr having struck up an acquaintance, sat down together to eat. The day being wintry and cold, the Man put his fingers to his mouse and blew opon them. "What's that for, my ... -
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:旅行者和熊
Two friends were traveling on the same road together, when they met with a bear .The one, in GREat fear, without a thought of his companion, climbed up into a tree, and hid himself .The other, seein -
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:牧童和狼
A Shepherd-boy, who tended his flock not far from a village, used to amuse himself at times in crying out"wolf !wolf!"Twice or thrice his trick succeeded .the whole village came running o...2008-03-04 编辑:echo 标签: 流行语
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:捆木柴
原文: A Husbandman who had a quarrelsome family ,after having tried in vain to reconcile them by words ,thought he might more readily prevail by an example .So he called his sons and bid them lay a -
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:母狮子
there was a GREat stir made among all the Beasts, which could boast of largest family. So they came to the Lioness. "And how many," said , "do you have at a birth?" "One,&q... -
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:鹰和箭
A Bowman took aim at an Eagle and hit him in the heart. As the Eagle turned his head in the agonies of death, he saw that the Arrow was winged with his own feathers. "How much sharper," s... -
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:大山分娩
In days of yore, a mighty runmbling was heard in a mountain. It was said to be in labor, and multitudes flocked together, from far and near, to see what it would produce. After long expectation and2008-03-04 编辑:echo 标签: 魔幻
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:鹅与鹤
Some Geese and some Cranes fed together in the same field. One day the sportsmen came suddenly down upon them. The Cranes being light of body, flew off in a moment; but the geese, weighted down by th -
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:狼和羊
A Wolf that had been bitten by a Dog, and was in a very sad case, being unable to move, called to a Sheep that was passing by, and begged her to fetch him some water from the neighboring stream. &... -
[伊索寓言] 伊索寓言:the vixen and&nbs
One morning when a vixen was taking her babies out of the lair, she saw a lioness and her cub. "Why do you have only one child, dear dame?" asked the vixen. "Look at my healthy and... -
[红楼梦] 红楼梦(英文版) Chapter 5
the spirit of Chia Pao-yue visits the confines of the GREat Void. The Monitory Vision Fairy expounds, in ballads, the Dream of the Red Chamber. Having in the fourth chapter explained, to some deGR
全英最孤独小学生 整所学校只有他1个人
他永远是早上第一个到的学校,晚上最晚走的一个。老师一直都点名叫他回答问题 -
真实的玛丽莲梦露 永远的性感icon
20世纪50年代早期,诺尔玛·简·贝克来到好莱坞,此后她一生都以玛丽莲自 - 3
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