
时间:2005-1-14 13:14:48  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴
new words to render new inventions and new situations.


  With the proliferation of Internet and Internet-related products and businesses, we can expect a myriad of new phrases, terminology and concepts. We need to come up with suitable translations for words, phrases, concepts and procedures. To do this, we must first understand what these are. Therefore, translators and interpreters cannot afford to be lazy. They must make an effort to acquire these new branches of knowledge.


  It is difficult enough just to keep up with the advances in science and technology, what is more difficult, in my opinion, is to keep up with popular culture. Popular culture, especially those emanating from the United States, moves at a bewildering pace. Popular music, fashions, trends, teen-speak: they change as soon as you think you have gotten the hang of them.


  There is a popular phrase coined a few years back in the US, "I'm not going there". Going where? The uninitiated may ask. Actually, the person who says, "I'm not going there" does not wish to talk about a certain issue that crops up in the conversation because he has some emotional aversion to that issue.

  前几年,美国有句流行的顺口溜:“I'm not going there.”(即“我不要到那儿去。”)不知情的人不免要问:怎么回事?到哪里去?说“I'm not going there”的人,其实是因对某个话题有情感上的排斥而不愿意讨论这个话题。

  Right now, Singaporeans are lapping up the American coffee culture that is changing the way we look at the once humble kopi-o. I have noticed that there are no good Chinese translations for beverages like expresso, cappuccino, cafe latte and so on.

  目前美国咖啡文化正在新加坡人当中大行其道、处处留香,使我们对昔日最为普通的咖啡乌看法已有所不同。我发觉到如expresso、cappuccino、cafe latte等饮料,至今还未有理想的中文译名。

  How do we then keep up with all these changes and trends? Dictionaries are useful but quite inadequate. Besides, they become out-dated after some time. I find that one of the best ways for me to keep up is to do what many young people today do: read lifestyle magazines, watch television and MTV, surf the Internet. Besides these, one must also read newspapers, news magazines, journals and the like to keep abreast of developments in the world.


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