"Whoa! This cough medicine costs a fortune!" Beth exclaimed at the pharmacy.
"Don't worry about it!" her mother said as she got out the money to pay.
"Even if this medicine would cost an arm and a leg I would buy it for you.
You have to get some sleep tonight so that you can get caught up on your course work tomorrow!
You have to cover a lot of ground and I want you better in the morning!"
"But I haven't been abte to sleep all week!" Beth said.

Then she quickly turned away to cover up her mouth to cough.
"I've tried everything, counting sheep, watching TV, reading ... Nothing works!"
"Well, we won't count on those old methods tonight.
This medicine is so strong that it will knock you out for a good night's rest!
Tomorrow you can crack your books and cram for those tests that are coming up!"
"I hope so!" Beth replied. "My teacher has practically counted me out of taking the tests.
She said that I should just plan on taking the course again next semester.
But I told her to count me in! I don't want to get any further behind!"
不过我告诉过她要把我算在内的!我不想再落后了! "
"Yeah, it's too bad that those tests count for fifty percent of your grade," Mom said.
"You don't want to miss those!"
"Yeah,and I can count the days until the tests on one hand!" Beth replied.
"是啊,我可以用一只手数出考试前的日期! "贝丝回答道。
"Don't count out the days like that. We'll count the cost later.
Let's just get you home now and get you in bed!"