7.-At least I could have gotten a more interesting stand-in than James. Do you know how hard it is to find a good fake boyfriend on short notice?
-Well, he was smart and fun at tea yesterday, and he's really cute, too.
-You don't have to lie anymore, Serena, he served his purpose. Now that Chuck on his way back to the city, I can dump James just in time to go to the white party stag.
on short notice:在仓促的情况下
serve one's purpose:符合需求,解决问题。这里表示“他可以功成身退了”。
stag:to go alone
8.-So you think James is and untalented Mr. Ripley?
-If you want entrees in upper class, there's no easier mark than a wronged woman. It's time to call in the big guns.
Mr. Ripley: Matt Damon曾经演过一部片子,叫做The Talented Mr. Ripley(天才雷普利),Matt扮演的雷普利冒充贵族身份,混迹于上流社会。
big gun:大人物,有手段的人
9.You wanna check out the competition.
10. It's no wonder you hate "charade". It's too close to home.