A: Where are you, Jack? We are all waiting for you.
B: I'm stuck in traffic.
A: I'm stuck in traffic.
A: 我因塞车被堵在路上了。
B: I have already told you to take subway. You never listen to me.
B: 我跟你说了让你坐地铁。你从来都不听我的话
I'm trapped on the road because of the traffic jam.
I'm stuck in traffic.
前面我们学到了"被困在电梯里",在英语口语中的表达是be stuck in the elevator,其中be stuck in的意思是"陷入;卡住不动",因此用于表示"被困在车流令动弹不得"非常形象。另外,"交通诸塞"也可以用traffic这个词来指代,比如We've unfortunately hit traffic.我们不巧碰上堵车了。