That is the world to him, true, he travels, shoots lions among the Hottentots,
chases the grizzly bear over the Rocky Mountains, kills elephants in India and salmon on the coast of Labrador,
comes home, and very likely makes a book. But the scope of his ideas does not seem to be enlarged by all this.
The body travels, not the mind. And, however he may abuse his own land, he returns home as hearty a John Bull,
with all his prejudices and national tastes as rooted, as before.

The English—the men of fortune all travel. Yet how little sympathy they show for other people or institutions, and how slight is the interest they take in them!
They are islanders, cut off from the great world. But their island is, indeed, a world of its own.
With all their faults, never has the sun shone if one may use the expression in reference to England all a more noble race,
or one that has done more for the great interests of humanity.