There is a shyness in an Englishman, a natural reserve, which makes him cold to strangers, and difficult to approach.
But once corner him in his own house, a frank and full expansion will be given to his feelings that we should look for in vain in the colder Yankee,
and a depth not to be found in the light and superficial Frenchman, speaking of nationalities, not of individualities.
The Englishman is the most truly rural in his tastes and habits of any people in the world. I am speaking of the higher classes.
The aristocracy of other countries affect the camp and the city. But the English love their old castles and country seats with a patriotic love.

They are fond of country sports. Every man shoots or hunts. No man is too old to be in the saddle some part of the day,
and men of seventy years and more follow the hounds, and, take a five-barred gate at a leap.
The women are good whips, are fond of horses and dogs, and other animals.
Duchesses have their cows, their poultry, their pigs, all watched over and provided with accommodations of Dutch-like neatness.
All this is characteristic of the people.