'When they get near me —' Harry stared at Lupin's desk, his throat tight, 'I can hear Voldemort murdering my mum.'
Lupin made a sudden motion with his arm as though he had made to grip Harry's shoulder, but thought better of it.
There was a moment's silence; then —
'Why did they have to come to the match?' said Harry bitterly.
'They're getting hungry,' said Lupin coolly, shutting his briefcase with a snap.
'Dumbledore won't let them into the school, so their supply of human prey has dried up ...
I don't think they could resist the large crowd around the Quidditch pitch.
All that excitement ... emotions running high ... it was their idea of a feast.'
'Azkaban must be terrible,'Harry muttered.

Lupin nodded grimly.
'The fortress is set on a tiny island, way out to sea, but they don't need walls and water to keep the prisoners in,
not when they're all trapped inside their own heads, incapable of a single cheerful thought.
Most of them go mad within weeks.'
'But Sirius Black escaped from them, 'Harry said slowly. 'He got away ...'
Lupin's briefcase slipped from the desk; he had to stoop quickly to catch it.
'Yes,' he said, straightening up. 'Black must have found a way to fight them.
I wouldn't have believed it possible ... Dementors are supposed to drain a wizard of his powers if he is left with them too long ...'