Inside the castle, there was a buzz of Christmas in the air.
Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, had already decorated his classroom with shimmering lights that turned out to be real, fluttering fairies.
The students were all happily discussing their plans for the holidays.
Both Ron and Hermione had decided to remain at Hogwarts, and though Ron said it was because he couldn't stand two weeks with Percy,
and Hermione insisted she needed to use the library, Harry wasn't fooled; they were doing it to keep him company, and he was very grateful.
To everyone's delight except Harry's, there was to be another Hogsmeade trip on the very last weekend of term.
'We can do all our Christmas shopping there!'said Hermione.
'Mum and Dad would really love those Toothflossing Stringmints from Honeydukes!'

Resigned to the fact that he would be the only third-year staying behind again,
Harry borrowed a copy of Which Broomstick from Wood, and decided to spend the day reading up on the different makes.
He had been riding one of the school brooms at team practice, an ancient Shooting Star, which was very slow and jerky;
he definitely needed a new broom of his own.
On the Saturday morning of the Hogsmeade trip, Harry bid goodbye to Ron and Hermione, who were wrapped in cloaks and scarves,
then turned up the marble staircase alone, and headed back towards Gryffindor Tower.
Snow had started to fall outside the windows, and the castle was very still and quiet.