Staring through the dense lower branches, Harry saw four sets of chair legs move back from the table right beside theirs,
then heard the grunts and sighs of the teachers and Minister as they sat down.
Next he saw another pair of feet, wearing sparkly turquoise high heels, and heard a woman's voice.
'A small Gillywater —'
'Mine,'said Professor McGonagall's voice.
'Four pints of mulled mead —'
'Ta, Rosmerta,' said Hagrid.
'A cherry syrup and soda with ice and umbrella —'
'Mmm!' said Professor Flitwick, smacking his lips.
'So you'll be the redcurrant rum, Minister.'
'Thank you, Rosmerta, m'dear,' said Fudge's voice.
'Lovely to see you again, I must say. Have one yourself, won't you? Come and join us ...'

'Well, thank you very much, Minister.'
Harry watched the glittering heels march away and back again.
His heart was pounding uncomfortably in his throat.
Why hadn't it occurred to him that this was the last weekend of term for the teachers, too?
And how long were they going to sit there?
He needed time to sneak back into Honeydukes if he wanted to return to school tonight ...
Hermione's leg gave a nervous twitch next to him.
'So, what brings you to this neck of the woods, Minister?' came Madam Rosmerta's voice.
Harry saw the lower part of Fudge's thick body twist in his chair as though he was checking for eavesdroppers.
Then he said in a quiet voice, 'What else, m'dear, but Sirius Black?
I daresay you heard what happened up at the school at Hallowe'en?'
'I did hear a rumour,' admitted Madam Rosmerta.