'I thought a Patronus would — charge the Dementors down or something,' said Harry dispiritedly. 'Make them disappear —'
'The true Patronus does do that,' said Lupin. 'But you've achieved a great deal in a very short space of time.
If the Dementors put in an appearance at your next Quidditch match, you will be able to keep them at bay long enough to get back to the ground.'
'You said it's harder if there are loads of them,' said Harry.
'I have complete confidence in you,' said Lupin, smiling. 'Here — you've earned a drink.
Something from the Three Broomsticks, you won't have tried it before —' He pulled two bottles out of his briefcase.
'Butterbeer!' said Harry, without thinking. 'Yeah, I like that stuff!'
Lupin raised an eyebrow. 'Oh — Ron and Hermione brought me some back from Hogsmeade,' Harry lied quickly.

'I see,' said Lupin, though he still looked slightly suspicious. 'Well — let's drink to a Gryffindor victory against Ravenclaw!
Not that I'm supposed to take sides, as a teacher ...' he added hastily.
They drank the Butterbeer in silence, until Harry voiced something he'd been wondering for a while.
'What's under a Dementor's hood?'
Professor Lupin lowered his bottle thoughtfully.
'Hmmm ... well, the only people who really know are in no condition to tell us.
You see, the Dementor only lowers its hood to use its last and worst weapon.'
'What's that?'