An aura of invincibility began to cling to him.
He became the driving force of the Godly Revolution.
When the vanquished king defied God's judgement,his blood was needed to expiate the crime.
当落败的国王反抗上帝的审判 他的罪恶只能通过鲜血来洗清
But it became obvious that doing away with the monarch was no guarantee of doing away with the monarchy.
但显而易见的是 江山易主 并不代表着君主制的废除
For if Charles couldn't be among his subjects in person,his proxy could.
因为即使查理一世本人已逝 他的代替品仍与民同在
The Greek word 'icon' means both an image and a copy.
希腊语中的"象征" 既代表图像 也代表复制品
The "Eikon Basilike", the spitting image of the king,appeared within a week of his execution.
"圣容" 即国王的画像 在其被处死后一周内问世
It was an instant bestseller,going through 35 editions in a year,
并立刻为人争相购买 一年之内加印35版
and it made Charles an imperishable martyr,a latter-day Christ sacrificed for the sins of his people.
使查理一世成了不朽的殉道者 一位为其人民献祭赎罪的现世基督
Like Christ,Charles, too, would be resurrected wearing his heavenly crown
与基督一样 查理一世亦将头戴圣冠复活
and made flesh in the person of his son, Charles II,awaiting the call from exile in France.
以他儿子 查理二世的身份重降人间 后者流亡于法国 期待着祖国的召唤
The poet John Milton,an ardent champion of the Parliamentary Commonwealth,
诗人约翰·弥尔顿 英联邦议会的积极倡导者
was hired to attack the cult of the king martyr as so much wicked idolatry,
受雇抨击对国王的狂热崇拜 称之为罪恶的偶像崇拜
to persuade the fearful and gullible they didn't need a Charles I.
劝导那些心存恐惧和轻信谣传的人 放弃对查理一世的依赖
In fact, they didn't need any Stuart monarch.