导读:有人说他们是“垮掉的一代”(the Beat Generation),有人为他们冠上“脑残”的头衔。年轻的90后似乎还没有开始他们梦想的征途,便被贴上了这么多的标签。《21世纪英文报》特意采访了几位90后的大一新生,听听他们是怎样解读90后的吧!
UPON arrival at Beijing Capital International Airport, Xue Duoxiao, 17, switched on his cell phone. He browsed the news on microblogs, and sneaked into friends` QQ farms and stole some "ripe" vegetables, before searching online for directions to China Agricultural University.
Xue is one of the 6.57 million Chinese freshmen who will begin college life this year. Dubbed the Class of 2014, they are the first batch of freshmen in the new decade of 2010. Xue and his peers, both those living in China and abroad, have caused quite a stir as the media and sociologists rush to define them.