11. Holy House | 10 a.m.
11. 神圣的房子 | 上午10点
On Sunday mornings, masses gather at St. Peter’s Basilica to angle for a glimpse of the popular Pope Francis. But far fewer congregate at the second-largest basilica, San Paolo Fuori le Mura, making this sacred site ideal for unhurried contemplation. The nave’s soaring ceilings and gilded frescoes are impressive, but hidden beyond one transept is an even finer feature: the cloister (admission, 4 euros), a tranquil courtyard with beautiful mosaics, a trickling fountain and blooming roses for much of the year.
周日上午,人们聚集在圣彼得大教堂(St. Peter’s Basilica),期待一睹深受欢迎的教皇方济各(Pope Francis)的风采。不过聚在罗马第二大教堂圣保罗(San Paolo Fuori le Mura)的人要少得多,因此这个神圣的地方成了从容沉思的理想场所。教堂中殿高耸的天花板和镀金壁画令人震撼,不过藏在侧翼的修道院更是迷人(门票4欧元),安静的庭院中有漂亮的镶嵌地面、涓流喷泉以及四季常开的玫瑰花。
adj. 不炫耀的,含蓄的,谦虚的