[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:02.03]British-made, 20 years old. 英国制造 20年前生产的 [00:03.56]20 years? 20年 [00:05.00]They're not retro, they're original. 不是复古款 就是当时的鞋 [00:06.27]Limited edition—two blue stripes, 1989. 限量版 带两条蓝道 产自1989年 [00:07.51]There's still mud on them. They look new. 上面还带着泥呢 看上去很新 [00:11.45]Someone's kept them that way. 被人保存得很好 [00:15.04]Quite a bit of mud caked on the soles. 鞋底沾着好几层泥 [00:16.23]Analysis shows it's from Sussex with London mud overlaying it. 分析显示伦敦的泥覆盖在苏塞克斯郡的上面 [00:19.29]How do you know? 你怎么知道 [00:20.18]Pollen. Clear as a map reference to me. South of the river, too. 花粉 如地图般清晰 出自英格兰南部 [00:23.16]So, the kid who owned these 这孩子20年前 [00:24.18]trainers came to London from Sussex 20 years ago and left them behind. 从苏塞克斯郡来到伦敦 留下这双运动鞋 [00:27.17]So, what happened to him? 他后来怎么样了 [00:28.36]Something bad. 祸事降临 [00:30.39]He loved those shoes, remember. He'd never leave them filthy. 他喜欢这双鞋 记得吗 绝不会弄脏它 [00:32.59]Wouldn't let them go unless he had to. 除非万不得已 不会丢弃它 [00:35.16]So, a child with big feet gets... 所以是个脚很大的孩子... [00:43.51]What? 怎么了 [00:44.34]Carl Powers. 卡尔·鲍尔斯 [00:46.50]Sorry, who? 抱歉 那是谁 [00:48.31]Carl Powers, John. 卡尔·鲍尔斯 约翰 [00:52.57]What is it? 啥意思 [00:54.54]It's where I began. 那是我的第一件案子