Thank you Oxford, and thank you Oxford Union.
It is truly an honor and a privilege to be here today and that you have afforded me this opportunity to speak to you.
I must confess, I am somewhat mystified as to why you are here. Because there won't be any singing, any hip-shaking. What so ever.
So, how do I, a girl from Barranquilla, Colombia come to occupy the same stage as Newton and Churchill. Lord knows I'm no Mother Teresa, but here I am, nonetheless.
I realize that one point of view from which I can depart is that of an artist. After all, it is who I am. We artists depend on our imaginations.
When I first learned I was coming, I thought about the past and I imagined the future. From your minds, ideas will sprout that will give new shape to the world. I cannot help but fast-forward to what the world will be like in 50 years. What will be happening? Who will we be? What challenges can we overcome? How will we live?
I have a fantasy about this future that I want to share with you today.
Let me put it this way, if civilization were a car, we would have been cruising at 20 miles per hour for millions of years only to hit light speed in the last hundred.
So I wonder what make us accelerate so quickly recently and how can we continue this pace? There is only one explanation to me, and that's the democratization of education.