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美国学生世界地理教材(MP3+中英字幕) 第101期:你讲法语吗?(续)(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


The River flows south into a gulf called the Gulf of Lyons, which is a part of the Mediterranean Sea. Thechief city on the Gulf of Lyons is Marseilles. It is the next largest city to Paris, but it was a city long before there was any Paris, for it was a port for ships that sailed the sea long, long ago, and it still is one ofthe great ports for ships. It is near, but not quite at, the mouth of the Rh渀攀.

Another thing that women love is perfume—sweet perfume! The French are famous for making perfume from flowers andfrom sweet grasses and even from weeds. French perfume is very expensive, because it often takes a whole field of flowers to make but a very few bottles of perfume. A dollar for a thimbleful! It always seemed wonderful tome that both flowers and their perfume come out of the ground—that the beautiful colors and sweet perfume are both made from mud!

French farmers raise other things, of course, besides grapes and silkworms and flowers for perfume. They raise manyof the same things that our own farmers raise. Most of the people in France are farmers, but they don’t live in farm-houses on their farms; they live in houses in a village and walk out and back to their farms, which oftenare a long way off.

When I was five years old I was given a penny bank, “to save for my old age.” When, at the age of twelve, I hada hundred dollars, I felt like a millionaire. The French are very saving. Even a man who earns very little saves some of that little, so that even poor people have money saved up for their old age when they can no longer work.

A girl saves her money so that when she marries she will have enough to buy furniture and perhaps a house or evenmore. This is called her “dot.” Sometimes her father and mother give it to her, and sometimes the girl earns it herself; sometimes her “dot” is only a few hundred dollars, sometimes it is thousands of dollars, butseldom can a girl marry who hasn’t some “dot.” “And they lived happily ever afterward.”




