Calhoun College, named for John C. Calhoun, former vice-president and influential member of Congress of the United States.
Davenport College, named for Rev. John Davenport, the founder of New Haven. Often called "D' port".
Ezra Stiles College, named for the Rev. Ezra Stiles, a president of Yale. Generally called "Stiles". Its buildings were designed by Eero Saarinen.
埃兹拉斯泰尔斯学院:以耶鲁大学校长埃兹拉·斯泰尔斯之名命名。通常称作 Stiles。学院建筑为埃罗沙里宁所设计。
Jonathan Edwards College, named for theologian, Yale alumnus,and Princeton co-founder Jonathan Edwards. Generally called It is the oldest of the 12 residential colleges, and is the only college with an independent endowment, the Jonathan Edwards Trust.
乔纳森爱德华兹学院:以神学家、耶鲁校友、普林斯顿大学创始人之一乔纳森·爱德华兹之名命名,通常称为JE, 是耶鲁12所住宿学院中最古老的一个,也是耶鲁唯一一所拥有独立捐款--乔纳森爱德华兹基金的学院。
Morse College, named for Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of Morse code and the telegraph. Also designed by Eero Saarinen.
Pierson College, named for Yale's first rector, Abraham Pierson.
Saybrook College, named for Old Saybrook, Connecticut, the town in which Yale was founded.

Silliman College, named for noted chemist and Yale professor Benjamin Silliman who invented the method of petrolic fractional distillation.
Timothy Dwight College, named for the two Yale presidents of that name, Timothy Dwight IV and Timothy Dwight V. Often called "T.D." for short.
Trumbull College, named for Jonathan Trumbull, first Governor of Connecticut.
In the 1990s, Yale launched a series of extensive renovations to the older residential buildings. In June 2008, President Levin announced that the construction of two new residential colleges had been authorized by the Yale Corporation, and was scheduled to open in 2013. The additional colleges will reduce the crowding in the existing residential colleges and allow for expanded admission.
20世纪90年代,耶鲁开始大规模地翻新老旧的住宿学院建筑。2008年6月,莱温校长宣布,耶鲁集团已经批准修建两所新的住宿学院,预计于2013年投人使用。 新增的学院将大大缓解现有学院住宿紧张的局面,招生规模也将随之扩大。