1. reticent about 沉默;
He was extremely reticent about his personal life.
他对自己的个人生活讳莫如深 。
2. conscious of 意识到
It is only when you nearly lose someone that you become fully conscious of how much you value them.
只有当你差点失去一个人时,你才会充分意识到他在你心里有多重要 。
3. fret about 为……烦恼
When you focus on what matters, what really matters, so much of the other stuff we fret about melts away.
当你在意一些重要的,真正重要的事情时,其它的那些众多让你烦恼的事也就烟消云散了 。
4. go with 追随;支持
I'd like to go with her and I'm going to suggest it to her.
我赞同她的看法,而且我打算把这个想法告诉她 。
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