Harry and Ron's last exam was Divination; Hermione's, Muggle Studies.
They walked up the marble staircase together.
Hermione left them on the first floor and Harry and Ron proceeded all the way up to the seventh,
where many of their class were sitting on the spiral staircase to Professor Trelawney's classroom, trying to cram in a bit of last-minute revision.
'She's seeing us all separately,' Neville informed them, as they went to sit down next to him.
He had his copy of Unfogging the Future open on his lap at the pages devoted to crystal-gazing.
'Have either of you ever seen anything in a crystal ball?' he asked them unhappily.
'Nope,' said Ron, in an offhand voice.
He kept checking his watch; Harry knew that he was counting down the time until Buckbeak's appeal started.

The queue of people outside the classroom shortened very slowly.
As each person climbed back down the silver ladder, the rest of the class hissed, 'What did she ask? Was it OK?'
But they all refused to say.
'She says the crystal ball's told her that, if I tell you, I'll have a horrible accident!'
squeaked Neville, as he clambered back down the ladder towards Harry and Ron, who had now reached the landing.
'That's convenient,' snorted Ron. 'You know, I'm starting to think Hermione was right about her'
(he jabbed his thumb towards the trapdoor overhead), 'she's a right old fraud.'
'Yeah,' said Harry, looking at his own watch. It was now two o'clock. 'Wish she'd hurry up ...'