1、consonant(except r) + vowel当前面单词的最后的辅音组合下一个单词的最先的元音Give it up half an hour a place of interestPick up an orange sit in the open air2、-r or –re + vowel当一个单词以字母-r 或
/w/ /j/wet /wet/ yet /jet/woke /wəuk/ yoke /jəuk/well /wel/ yell /jel/year by year a young pianist yesterday’s newspaperbeautiful yard yellow pages youth club Did you read yeste...
/w/ /v/west /west/ vest /vest/wine /wain/ vine /vain/while /wail/ vile /vail/wear away share weal and woe Twelve twinswalk away wait for wine wake the waiterWilliam wished to work his way through co
/m//n/bomb /bɒm/ Bonn /bɒn/gum /gΛm/gun /gΛn/map /mæp/ nap /næp/more /mɔ:/ nor /nɔ:/arm in arm miss the mark famous swimmer bright moon summ...