[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第54期
The combination of_____and earthiness in Edmund's speech can be starting, especially when he slyly slips in some2014-10-14 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE填空如何有效利用信息答题
新GRE填空答题方法: 如果有两个空格,有一个空格我们拿不准,另外一个空格我们可以判断出哪个选项里的答案具有相对优势2014-10-13 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE填空重点常识归纳
在GRE verbal每个section的38道题当中,填空题占了7道题。和中国学生感觉头疼的阅读部分比起来,填空是一个相对容易在短时间内提高成绩的部分2014-10-13 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第53期
The philosopher Karl Popper held that it is not possible to conclusively prove but that it is possible to2014-10-13 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第52期
The hypothesis that life is prevalent throughout the universe is_____, but on the available evidence it cannot2014-10-12 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第51期
In a manner similar to the automobile, which freed people from the necessity of living near their work places,2014-10-11 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第55期
It is paradoxical that String Theory inspires such widespread respect when it is so _____ that few could ever hope to master its claims.2014-10-10 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第50期
Though (i)_____in her personal life, Ed St. Vincent Millay was nonetheless (ii)_____about her work, usually2014-10-10 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] 总结GRE考试填空高分条件
新GRE填空考察的知识点有点琐碎,使得不少考生觉得填空题在GRE考试中是有难度的。其实新GRE填空所考察的很多是基本的知识2014-10-09 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE考试中有关填空基本知识点的总结
新GRE填空考察的知识点都是比较基本的,是考生只要认真复习就能拿到的,考生备战GRE考试中要打牢基础,并结合一定的GRE填空技巧来应对新GRE填空的考察2014-10-09 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第54期
In showing the shocking images of depravity and degradation, the curators of the art museum said that the2014-10-09 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空每日一题] GRE填空(Barron模考)每日一题 第49期
Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be a product of selection2014-10-09 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE填空介词搭配技巧介绍
如果将五个GRE考试选项中的动词全部作不及物动词处理的话,那么,(A) rise应与above搭配,(C) probe应与into搭配2014-10-08 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE填空辅导] GRE填空技巧之已知推未知
题干的大概意思是说“相信一个文化成就可以根据它书面材料的什么什么来衡量,这要求人们能将象垃圾一样的邮件看成和文学巨著一样的什么什么2014-10-08 编辑:mike 标签:
[GRE等价每日一题] GRE等价(Barron模考)每日一题 第53期
The _____ nature of the commencement speech did not sit well with the restless group of recent graduates2014-10-08 编辑:mike 标签: