[00:00:39]Later that day, as the sun was going down, the same coach stopped in a village near the Marquis's castle. 那天的晚些时候,太阳落山时,那同一辆马车停在了侯爵的城堡附近的一个村子里。 [00:09:52]Several villagers, in poor thin clothes, with thin hungry faces, were standing in the village square. 几个衣衫褴褛、面黄饥瘦的村民正站在村里的场地上。 [00:18:39]The Marquis looked at their faces and then pointed to one of them. 侯爵看着他们的脸庞然后指着其中的一个人。 [00:24:26]"Bring that man to me, " he said to his driver. “把那个男人带过来。”他对他的车夫说道。 [00:28:57]The man came up to the coach, hat in hand, and the other villagers moved closer to listen. 那个人朝马车走过来,手里拿着帽子,其余的村民都走近前来聆听。 [00:37:42]"I passed you on the road just outside the village, " said the Marquis. “我在村外的那条路上从你旁边经过,”侯爵说。 [00:43:19]"You were looking at my coach in a very strange way. Why was that?" “你当时正用一种奇特的眼光看着我的马车。为什么要这样?” [00:50:53]"Monsieur, I was looking at the man, " came the reply. “先生,我那时正看着那个男人。”回答说。 [00:56:13]"What man?" asked the Marquis angrily. “什么男人?”侯爵生气地问。 [01:00:41]"The man who was holding on under your coach, " said the poor man, trembling with fear. “就是那个扒在您马车底下的男人。”这个可怜人说道,身子因为害怕而发抖。 [01:08:26]"What was he like?" “他长得什么样?” [01:12:15]"Oh, Monsieur, he was white from head to foot. All covered with dust. Just like a ghost." “哦,先生,他从头到脚穿一身白。全省都是土。像鬼魂一样。” [01:20:29]"Where is he now? What happened to him?" “他现在在哪儿?他怎么啦?” [01:25:44]"Oh, he ran away down the hill outside the village." “哦,他朝村外的山脚下跑去了。”