[00:00:49]After his nephew had gone to bed, the Marquis went to his room. The castle was surrounded with darkness. 在他侄儿上床后,侯爵进了自己的房间。城堡被夜色包围。 [00:11:27]In the villages nearby the hungry people dreamt of a better life, with enough good food to eat, and time to rest from their work. 附近村子里饥饿的人们在梦想着过上好一点的生活,以便有足够的好食物吃。还可以工作后有时间休息。 [00:21:27]Early in the morning the dreamers awoke and started their day's hard work. 一大早人们便从睡梦中醒来开始他们一天的辛勤劳作。 [00:32:01]The people in the castle did not get up until later, but when they did, why did the great bell start ringing? 城堡里的人很晚才会起床的。可等到他们起床时,为什么那个大钟开始响了起来呢? [00:39:54]Why did people ride out of the castle to the village as fast as they could? 人们为什么骑着马拼命地从城堡往村子里跑呢? [00:47:24]The answer lay in the bed of the Marquis. 答案就在侯爵的床上。 [00:50:23]He lay there, like stone, with a knife pushed into his heart. 侯爵像一块石头僵躺在床上。 [00:58:51]On his chest lay a piece of paper with the words: 一把尖刀插进了他的心脏,在他的胸前放着一张纸条。上面写着: [01:03:23]"Drive him fast to his grave. This is from JACQUES." “快把他送进他的坟墓。这是雅克干的。”