[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 60 future 第60课 未来 [00:07.35]The future 卜算未来 [00:10.28]Children are the future of a country. 孩子是国家的未来。 [00:14.54]Human beings will face many crises in the future. 人类在未来将面临许多危机。 [00:20.01]fair 集市 [00:23.55]As she walked away,I followed her out of the fair. 当她走开时,我也跟着她出了集市。 [00:29.15]He went to the village fair with his wife. 他同妻子一起去逛村子里的集市。 [00:33.26]She hunted many bargains at the fair. 她在集市上收罗到许多便宜货。 [00:39.19]fortune-teller 算命人 [00:41.38]He doesn't believe in fortune-tellers. 他不相信算命人。 [00:47.37]It is believed that fortune-tellers can foretell your fate. 人们相信算命人可以预测你的命运。 [00:52.60]crystal 水晶 [00:55.25]After I had given her some money,she looked into a crystal ball and said:"A relation of yours is coming to see you." 我给了她一些钱后,她便查看着一个水晶球说道:“您的一个亲戚就要来看您了。” [01:07.03]He gave her a necklace of crystals as a birthday poresent. 他送给她一串水晶项链作为生日礼物。 [01:12.43]It is crystal clear that he is the murderer. 很显然他就是凶手。 [01:18.05]relation 亲属 [01:22.21]She is no relation to me. 她跟我毫无亲戚关系。 [01:27.00]A near relation of mine called me the other day. 不久前我的一个近亲给我打电话。 [01:31.21]impatiently 不耐烦地 [01:34.21]"Where have you been hiding?"he asked impatiently. “你躲到哪儿去了?”她不耐烦地问。 [01:41.20]She impatiently turned down my request. 她不耐烦地拒绝了我的请求。 [01:45.30]He was impatiently waiting outside the office. 他不耐烦地等在办公室外面。