[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 61 Hubble 第61课 哈勃 [00:05.48]The Hubble telescope was launcled into space by NASA on April 20,1990 at a cost of over a billion dollars. 哈勃望远镜于1990年4月20日由国家航空航天局发射升空,耗资10多亿美元。 [00:21.55]Right from the start there was trouble with the Hubble. 从一开始哈勃望远镜就有问题。 [00:26.27]telescope 望远镜 [00:28.27]He is observing the sky through the astronomatical telescope. 他正通过天文望远镜观察天空。 [00:37.06]The captain noticed the coming of pirates through the telescope. 从望远镜中船长注意到海盗在向他们逼近 [00:43.01]launch 发射 [00:45.51]A rocket was launched into space. 一枚火箭发射升空。 [00:51.42]They launched three school teachers into space. 他们把三名老师送到太空。 [00:55.86]space 空间 [01:00.12]Scientists try to contact other intelligence in space. 科学家试图与太空中的其他智慧生物联系。 [01:05.45]Who is the first astronaut that travelled in space? 谁是第一个遨游太空的宇航员? [01:10.48]billion 10亿 [01:14.12]Billions of dollars was invested on the project. 在这项工程上投入了数十亿美元。 [01:19.16]The population on the earth will exceed six billion. 地球上的人口将超过60亿。 [01:24.07]faulty 有错误的 [01:27.37]The pictures it sent us were very disappointing because its main mirror was faulty! 它传递给我们的图像很令人失望,因为它的主要镜子有误差。 [01:36.56]His theory was faulty. 他的理论有缺陷。 [01:41.37]She made a faulty judgment. 她作出了错误的判断。 [01:44.73]astronaut 宇航员 [01:49.00]NASA is now going to put the telescope right,so it will soon be sending up four astronauts to repair it. 国家航天局准备纠正这一错误,为此将把4名宇航员送入太空修复望远镜。 [02:00.20]She believed that she could make an excellent woman astronaut. 她坚信自己会成为一名出色的女宇航员。 [02:07.00]Millions of people watched astronauts walk on the moon on the TV. 数百万人在电视上观看宇航员在月球上行走。 [02:13.97]shuttle 航天飞机 [02:17.34]The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble. “奋进”号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃。 [02:23.48]The space shuttle took five astronauts to the space station. 航天飞机把五名宇航员送到航天站。 [02:30.33]The shuttle exploded soon after its launching. 航天飞机发射后不久就爆炸了。 [02:34.54]Endeavour “奋进”号 [02:38.25]robot-arm 机器手 [02:41.42]A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope and hold it while the astronauts make the necessary repairs. 当宇航员进行必要的修复工作时,“奋进”号上的一只机器手将抓住望远镜并托住它。 [02:54.16]Robot-arms are widely used in experiements. 机器手广泛地运用于实验中。 [02:58.35]The disabled can use robot-arm to do some simple movements. 残疾人可以用机器手做一些简单的动作。 [03:07.39]grab 抓 [03:10.52]He grabbed her by the arm before she fell down. 在她跌倒之前他抓住了她的胳膊。 [03:17.19]She grabbed the rope at teh critical moment. 在这危急时刻她抓住了绳子。 [03:21.65]atmosphere 大气层 [03:25.25]Of course,the Hubble is above the earth's atmosphere. 当然,哈勃位于地球的大气层之外。 [03:30.42]The signals go through the atmosphere to the earth. 信号通过大气层来到地球。 [03:35.08]High speed is requested to go through atmosphere. 穿过大气层要很高的速度。 [03:40.93]distant 遥远的 [03:44.41]It will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen. 它很快就会给我们传送我们所见到过的,有关行星和远距离星系的最清晰的照片。 [03:55.59]He has saikled to many distant countries. 他航行到过许多遥远的国家。 [04:00.00]What will the earth be like in the distant future? 在遥远的未来地球会是什么样呢? [04:05.47]galaxy 星系 [04:09.23]Is there any other form of life in the galaxies? 星系里有其他形式的生命吗? [04:14.46]The galaxies seem to be very mysterious. 星系看起来很神秘。 [04:18.61]universe 宇宙 [04:22.30]The Hubble will tell us a great deal about the age and size of the universe. 哈勃将告诉我们有关宇宙的年龄和大小的许多事情。 [04:30.27]In the past,people thought the earth was the center of the universe. 过去人们认为地球是宇宙的中心。 [04:37.40]The universe is vast and mysterious. 宇宙既广袤无垠又神秘莫测。 [04:43.15]eagle eye 鹰眼 [04:46.34]By the time you read this,the Hubble's eagle eye will have sent us thousands and thousands of wonderful pictures. 等你读到这篇文章时,敏锐的哈勃望远镜已经为我们送来了成千上万张精彩的照片。 [04:57.24]The hunter has an eagle eye. 这个猎人目光锐利。 [05:00.23]He kept an eagle eye for the spy. 他密切地注视着这个间谍。