[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Lesson 62 control 第62课 控制 [00:06.39]Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control. 消防队员们同那场森林大火搏斗了将近3个星期才最后把火势控制住。 [00:18.34]The situation was out of control. 局势失去了控制。 [00:23.11]Parents should not have control over their children. 父母不应该控制他们的孩子。 [00:27.76]smoke 烟 [00:31.28]Now,smoke still rose up from the warm grund over the desolate hills. 现在,发热的地面上仍然升腾着烟雾,弥漫在荒凉的山丘上。 [00:39.01]The room was full of choking smoke. 屋子里满是烟雾,很呛人。 [00:42.59]The huge fire sent dense smoke up to the sky. 大火向空中释放出浓烟。 [00:48.47]desolate 荒凉的 [00:52.39]The railway station became desolate in the war. 战争期间,这个火车站变得荒凉了。 [00:58.41]They changed the desolate hand into a prospoerous town. 他们把这个不毛之地变成了一个繁荣的小镇。 [01:03.47]threaten 威胁 [01:07.04]Winter was coming on and the hills threatened the surrounging villages with destruction,for heavy rain would not only wash away the soil but would cause serious floods as well. 冬季即将来临,这些山丘对周围的村庄具有毁灭性的威胁,因为大雨不仅会冲走土壤,而且还会引起严重的水灾。 [01:24.30]He threatened to kidnap her child. 他威胁要绑架她的孩子。 [01:29.23]The flood threatened thousands of lives. 水灾威胁着数千人的生命。 [01:33.72]surrounding 周围的 [01:37.53]The valley and its surrounding scenery are fascinating. 这个山谷和它周围的景致非常迷人。 [01:44.11]The surrounding country took on a new look. 周围的乡村呈现出新的面貌。 [01:47.70]destruction 破坏,毁灭 [01:51.44]The earthquake caused the destruction of the city. 地震使这个城市毁灭了。 [01:56.41]The advanced weapons increased the destruction of war. 先进的武器使战争更具破坏性。 [02:01.04]flood 洪水,水灾 [02:03.33]The village was stricken by a heavy flood. 村庄遭到大水的袭击。 [02:09.22]Food and clothes were sent to the flood-stricken areas. 食物和衣物被送到遭受水灾地区。 [02:13.68]authority 当局 [02:16.08]When the fire had at last been put out,the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass-seed which would grow quickly. 在大火最后被扑灭后,森林管理当局订购了好几吨一种生长迅速的特殊类型的草籽。 [02:33.36]The school authorities lay down some new rules and regulations. 学校当局制定了一些新的规章制度。 [02:40.21]The local authorities attached great importance to the event. 地方当局对该事件很重视。 [02:46.13]grass-seed 草籽 [02:49.15]Grass-seed is expensive. 草籽很贵。 [02:51.06]A lot of grass-seed was frozen to death in the winter. 许多草籽在冬天冻死了。 [02:59.14]spray 喷酒 [03:01.12]The seed was sprayed over the ground in huge quantities by aeroplanes. 飞机把这种草籽大量地撒播在地上。 [03:09.58]Vegetables are sprayed. 蔬菜喷上农药。 [03:15.39]The worker were spraying paint on the wall. 工人们正往墙上喷油漆。 [03:19.65]quantity 量 [03:23.33]Large quantities of goods were damaged in the storm. 大量的货物在风暴中受损。 [03:28.57]Yesterday's typhoon brought a great quantity of rain. 昨天的台风带来了大量的降雨。 [03:33.88]root 根 [03:37.23]By then,however,in many places the grass had already taken root. 然而到那时,很多地方的草已经生了根。 [03:45.12]Many trees were pulled up by the roots. 许多树被连根拔起。 [03:50.02]Vegetation in the desert usually has deep roots. 沙漠中的植被根长得很深。 [03:54.84]century 世纪 [03:58.25]In place of the great trees which had been growing there for centuries,patches of green had begun to appear in the blackened soil. 一片片的绿草开始出现在这片烧焦的土地上,代替了多少世纪以来一直生长在那里的参天大树。 [04:11.22]The 20th century witnessed many great changes in China. 中国在20世纪发生了很多重大的变化。 [04:17.27]This ancient city was deserted for centuries. 这座古老的城市被遗弃若干个世纪。 [04:22.54]patch 小片 [04:25.41]They toiled on a small patch of land. 他们在一小块土地上劳作。 [04:30.44]There is a patch of garden in front of the house. 房子前面有一小片花园。 [04:34.64]blacken 变黑,发暗 [04:38.33]Their faces were blackened by the smoke. 他们的脸被烟熏黑了。 [04:43.19]Smoking blackened his fingers. 抽烟使他的手指变黑了。