[00:00.01]In fact, there was a fellow. 实际上,有一个同僚。 [00:02.50]He was in Omaha, who used to say, he looked with three things in hiring people: integrity, intelligence and energy. 奥哈马市有一位先生说,当他雇人时,他会看三个方面:诚信,智能,和精力。 [00:11.24]And he said if the person did not have the first two, the later two would kill him, 雇一个只有高智力和精力,却没有诚信的人会毁了雇者。 [00:15.44]because if they don’t have integrity, you want them dumb and lazy, you don’t want them smart and energetic. 因为一个没有诚信的人,你只能希望他愚蠢和懒惰,而不是聪明和精力充沛。 [00:22.22]And I got I really like to talk: about the first one, 所以我想谈的是第一点, [00:24.58]because we know you got the second two. 因为我知道你们都具备后两点。 [00:26.25]And I’d just,play along with me a little game for just a second, and in terms of thinking about the question. 在考虑这个问题时,请你们和我一起玩玩这个游戏。 [00:33.02]You've all been here, I guess almost all of your second year MBA, 你们现在都是在MBA的第二年, [00:35.27]and you’ve gotten to know your classmates. 所以你们对自己的同学也应该都了解了。 [00:37.46]Think for a moment that I granted you the right to buy 10% of one of your classmates for the rest of all his life time. 现在我给你们一个来买进10%的你的一个同学的权利,一直到他的生命结束。 [00:46.40]You can’t pick one with a rich father. 你不能选那些有着富有老爸的同学, [00:50.01]That doesn’t count. 那不算数。 [00:50.48]You've got to pick somebody who is going to do this on our own merit. 每个人的成果都要靠他自己的努力。 [00:55.23]And I’d give you an hour to think about it. 我给你一个小时来想这个问题, [00:59.05]Which one you are going to pick? 你将会挑哪一个同学? [01:00.08]One of your classmates, just one you want to own 10% for the rest of his lifetime. 你愿意买进哪一个同学余生的10%? [01:05.30]And are you going to give an IQ test and pick the one with the highest IQ? 你会给他们做一个IQ测试吗,选那个IQ值最高的我也怀疑。 [01:10.59]I doubt it. 我很怀疑。 [01:11.18]Are you going to pick the one with the best grade? 你会挑那个学习成绩最好的吗? [01:15.53]I doubt it. 我很怀疑。 [01:16.41]You might not pick the most energetic one necessarily because you are the one who is most initiative. 你也不一定会选那个最精力充沛的,因为你自己本身就已经动力十足了。 [01:20.42]You are going to start looking for qualitative factors, in addition, 你可能会去寻找那些质化的因素, [01:23.27]because everybody got a brain and energy. 因为这里的每个人都是很有脑筋的。 [01:26.57]And I would say that before about for an hour, I’ll place that bet on. 你想了一个小时之后,我敢打赌, [01:31.45]You would probably pick the one who you responded the best to, 你可能会选择那个你最有认同感的人, [01:36.34]the one who has the leadership qualities, 那个最有领导才能的人, [01:38.40]the one who is able to get other people to carry out their interests. 那个能实现他人利益的人。 [01:42.36]That would be the person who is generous, honest and who gave credit to other people even for their own ideas. 那个慷慨,诚实,即使是他自己的主意,也会把功劳分予他人的人。 [01:48.37]All kinds of qualities like that. 他会拥有所有这些类似的好品质。 [01:50.38]You can write down those qualities which you admire as another question: whomever you admire the most in the class. 你可以把这些你所钦佩的素质都写下作为我第二个问题的答案。我的第二个问题是:你最钦佩班上的哪位同学?