[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.00]Situation 8: Second Period 场景 8: 第二课 [00:05.16](Robert's second period of the day is a computer class. His teacher is Ms.Cross.) (罗勃特今天的第二课是计算机课.他的老师是柯若丝小姐.) [00:12.07]Class, please sit down. 同学们,请坐. [00:14.48]Ms.Cross, can I go to the bathroom? 柯若丝小姐,我能去一下厕所吗? [00:17.60]Of course not. 当然不行. [00:19.91]You just had a five-minute break. Why didn't you go then? 刚刚有5分钟的休息时间.你为什么不去呢? [00:25.58]I was busy getting ready for this class. 我忙着准备这节课呀. [00:28.03]You should have been ready for this class last night. 你应该在昨天晚上准备这节课的内容. [00:32.19]You will just have to wait. 你只有等了. [00:35.09]Okay, but can I show you my homework first? 好吧,我能先给你看看我的作业吗? [00:39.64]Yes, of course you can. 好的,当然可以. [00:42.27](Robert takes a CD out of his backpack.) (罗勃特从他的背包里拿出了一张光碟.) [00:47.35]I made a computer games called Space Killer. 我做了一个叫《太空杀手》的游戏. [00:50.05]How do you play it? 怎么玩? [00:54.01]You are flying in a space ship and you have to fight against aliens. 你在一个太空船上飞行,还要打外星人. [00:58.07]How do you win? 你怎么赢呢? [01:01.43]You can't ever kill all the aliens, 你不可能杀死所有的外星人, [01:04.38]but whoever gets the most points wins. 谁得分最多谁就赢了. [01:08.19]And how do you score points? 你怎么算分呢? [01:11.52]You score points by killing aliens. 以你杀死的外星人来计算. [01:14.35]You get one point per alien, and ten points for destorying an alien ship. 每杀死一个外星人得一分,摧毁一架外星船得十分. [01:20.47]That sounds very violent. 听起来很暴力. [01:23.49]No. It's just fun. 不,那只是好玩的. [01:27.16]And most computer games now are much more violent than this one. 现在许多的电脑游戏都比这个暴力的多. [01:32.13]Well then, let's see if it works. 那好,我们来看看他能否运行. [01:35.07](Robert takes his CD and puts it into a CD-ROM drive.) (罗勃特拿出他的光碟,把它放进一个光碟驱动器中.) [01:39.47]Wow, that looks great. You did a good job. I'm giving you an “A”. 哇,看起来真棒.你干的真不错.我会给你一个“A”. [01:47.07]Thanks, Ms.Cross. 谢谢,柯若丝小姐.