[00:00.00]North Korea, it's one of the most closed and repressive society on earth. 朝鲜堪称世界上最封闭、最压抑的国家之一。 [00:04.30]Yet, as the dictatorship is very hard, a university largely paid for by the west is attempting to open the minds of the state future elite. 然而,高压统治下的朝鲜却由西方资斥巨资建立了一所学校,旨在打开朝鲜未来精英的视野。 [00:12.73]The BBC has gained unprecedented access to the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology and witness the education of the regime's next generation. BBC史无前例地被准许进入平壤科技大学,见证对这个政权下一代的教育。 [00:21.82]Chris Rogers reports. 下面请听我们的记者克里斯·罗杰斯发回的报道。 [00:29.57]They are the sons of some of the most powerful men in North Korea, including senior military figures, marching to class singing songs about war. 他们是朝鲜权贵的子弟,包括高级军官的儿子,正唱着战争歌曲,迈着正步走向课堂。 [00:38.61]"Our supreme commander Kim Jong-un",we'll defend him with our lives' they sing. “最高统帅金正恩,我们誓死捍卫他。”他们唱道。 [00:43.32]500 students hand picked by Kim Jong-un's regime to receive the western education at the Pyongyang University of Science and Technology or PUST. 500位在校学生全部由金正恩手下亲自挑选,在平壤科技大学,简称PUST,接受西式教育。 [00:53.57]The university's goal is to equip them with the skills to help modernize the impoverished country and engage with the International community. 该大学的目标是教给学生一定技能,使他们为国家现代化服务,改变贫困现状,从而融入国际社会。 [01:01.93]All classes are in English. And many of the lecturers are American. 课程全部采取英文授课,而且许多讲师都是美国人。 [01:09.89]Remarkable, considering North Korea has for decades isolated itself from the outside world and America is its hated enemy. 这十分不可思议,因为数十年来,朝鲜将自己与外部世界隔绝,而且视美国为死敌。 [01:18.51]Over breakfast, some tell me they are warming to the Americans, if not to the US government. 早餐时间,一些学生告诉我他们对美国人的态度正在回暖,对美国政府则态度依旧。 [01:26.98]"When you first met a foreigner, an American, were you wary? Were you nervous of meeting an American?" “你们第一次见外国人,见美国人的时候,还是有些谨慎吗,或者说紧张?” [01:33.32]"Of course first time we were nervous. American people is different from US." “当然,第一次见还是会紧张。美国人和美国政府是两个概念。” [01:54.38]PUST's founder and president Dr. James Chin-Kyung Kim, the Korean and American entrepreneur was invited by the regime to build PUST, PUST的创建人兼校长,韩裔美籍企业家金镇庆博士应朝鲜当局之邀,按照先前在中国建立类似大学的模式建立了平壤科技大学。 [02:02.92]based on a similar university he'd opened in China. 兴建平壤科技大学共耗资大约2000万英镑, [02:06.02]He raised much of the 20 million pounds it cost from American and South Korean Christian charities. 其中大部分资金是由金镇庆博士从美国和韩国的基督教慈善组织筹募到的。 [02:11.81]"I am full of thanks, thankful to this government. “我非常感谢这个政府,他们完全信任我, [02:15.66]They can trust and give me all authority in my hand operating this school. Can you believe it?" 让我全权管理学校。你们能相信吗?” [02:23.98]It is had to believe. 的确令人难以置信。 [02:26.17]According to human rights groups, North Korean citizens found practicing Christianity are persecuted. 据人权组织称,朝鲜公民一旦被发现信仰基督教,将受到严惩。