[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:00.01]Nobody can be a Bruce Lee. 没人能成为李小龙 [00:01.14]There is only one Bruce Lee. 只有一个李小龙 [00:02.36]But all director... martial art director 但是所有的导演 功夫片导演 [00:05.47]want every actor becoming a second Bruce Lee. 都希望每个演员都能成为第二个李小龙 [00:09.40]The way... the way you point, the way you fight. 你的... 你的手势 格斗方式 [00:13.30]Nobody can do it for them. 没人能真的做得像 [00:15.21]But the audience know he's the best. 观众们都清楚李小龙才做得最好 [00:20.50]Bruce Lee is the best. 李小龙才是最好的 [00:22.56]Jacky has appeared in over a hundred films, 成龙拍了100多部电影 [00:25.28]but is best known in the west for his appearance alongside Chris Tucker in the Rush Hour trilogy, 但西方观众更为知晓的是和Chris Tucker一起演的"尖峰时刻"三部曲 [00:30.51]playing a very different role to Bruce Lee. 风格完全不同于李小龙 [00:32.56]Bruce Lee is very strong, he is a very, like a iron guy. 李小龙非常强壮 他非常 像钢铁人 [00:38.49]Nobody can beat him. 别人都不是对手 [00:41.22]I want to be an underdog, everybody can beat me. 我想做被打的一方 人人都能揍到我 [00:45.28]Emm... and when Bruce Lee punch like this, me, after punching, aah, hurt. 额... 李小龙出拳就像这样 而我 出拳后 啊 疼啊 [00:50.23]I wantta be a real human. "Aah, it's broken." 我想做个真实的平常人 "啊 断了" [00:54.44]As well as he opens the doors for action stars like Jacky Chen, 李小龙不仅为像成龙这样的动作演员开了路 [00:58.29]Bruce Lee has also been the inspiration for many others. 还启发了其他许多人 [01:01.30]I did a movie called Mindhunters, 我拍了部电影叫"八面埋伏" [01:02.46]and I had a scene where I had to walk with a gun down this... 里面有一个场景 我拿着枪出现 [01:05.51]it's, like, a dark military facility and. 像个罪恶的宪兵 [01:09.20]I really thought about Bruce Lee, 我当时想到了李小龙 [01:10.57]really thought about the way he approached things 想到那个样的场景里 [01:12.53]when I was going through that scene and just my movements that... 李小龙会怎样表演 表现动作 [01:15.55]And when it... when it played back on tape it looks so fluid, 当在摄影机里看时 很流畅 [01:17.12]'Cause I really thought about, you know the way he approached things, 因为我当时想的就是他的表演方式 [01:18.32]so he definitly is very influential. 无疑他极大地影响了我