[by:可可英语~m.moreplr.com] [00:02.00]'Bollocks!' 瞎扯 [00:03.41]No, no, no, no, it's obvious.That's how he did it. It's obvious. 不.肯定是这样.他就是这么假死的.显然是这样 [00:08.31]Derren Brown?!Let it go, Sherlock's dead. 达伦·布朗[魔术师].放弃吧.夏洛克已经死了 [00:11.32]But is he? 是吗 [00:13.21]There was a body, it was him.It was definitely him, Molly Hooper laid him out. 那具尸体就是他.一定是他.茉莉·霍普给他尸检了 [00:16.89]No, she's lying.It was Jim Moriarty's body with a mask on. 不.她在撒谎.那是吉姆·莫里亚蒂的尸体.戴着他的面具 [00:21.11]A mask?A bungee rope, a mask, Derren Brown. 面具.蹦极绳.面具.达伦·布朗 [00:25.45]Two years and the theories keep getting more stupid. 两年来你的推论一个比一个愚蠢 [00:27.47]How many more have you got for me today? 你今天还要和我说什么推论 [00:30.36]Well, you know the paving slabs in that whole area,even the exact ones that he landed on, 那片区域的铺路石.甚至是他落地的那几块 [00:34.30]you know they were all... - Guilt!That's all this is. 都是.... -内疚. 就是这样 [00:38.47]You pushed us all into thinking that Sherlock that was a fraud, you and Donovan. 你和多诺万.让大家相信夏洛克是个骗子 [00:43.16]You did this and it killed him and he's staying dead. 是你们害得他自杀 [00:47.00]Do you honestly believe that if you have enough stupid theories,it's going to change what really happened? 你真认为只要想出足够多的愚蠢推论.就能改变既定事实吗 [00:53.31]I believe in Sherlock Holmes. 我相信夏洛克·福尔摩斯 [00:55.21]Yeah, well, that won't bring him back. 那他也不会死而复生 [00:57.53]And that after extensive police investigations... 经过警方的全面调查... [01:00.37]Richard Brook did indeed prove to be the creation of James Moriarty... 证实理查·布鲁克是由詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂捏造的... [01:03.48]'Amidst unprecedented scenes,there was uproar in court 在这件史无前例的案子里.法庭上引起轩然大波 [01:06.31]as Sherlock Holmes was vindicated and cleared of all suspicion.' 夏洛克·福尔摩斯被判无罪.洗清所有嫌疑 [01:10.13]'Sadly, all this comes too late for the detective,who became something of a celebrity two years ago.' 只可惜这一切对这位侦探来说太迟了.他两年前曾名噪一时 [01:15.31]Questions are now being asked.as to why police let matters get so far. 如今有人质疑.警方怎么会让事情发展至此 [01:20.32]Sherlock Holmes fell to his death from the top of London's Bart's Hospital. 夏洛克·福尔摩斯从伦敦巴茨医院楼顶跳下身亡 [01:26.96]Although he left no note,friends say it's unlikely he was able to cope... 尽管他没有留下遗言.他的朋友们说他是没法面对... [01:27.32]Well then. Absent friends. 敬逝去的朋友 [01:31.53]Sherlock. - Sherlock. 敬夏洛克 - 敬夏洛克